

  1. How do students get information about the minor?

    Join the Bioinformatics Student Group on Outlook.  This is the primary way that we get in touch with students about class scheduling, research opportunities, social events, and other information important to students in the Minor.  You can also get in touch with one of the minor advisors.

  2. What is the process for getting permission for high demand courses like CSC/CPE? 

    Each quarter the Bioinformatics faculty check in with students in the minor to check their progress and inquire what classes they hope to enroll in for the next quarter. Based on these responses we send enrollment requests to the appropriate departments. Often this results in students getting the classes they need in a timely fashion.  However, participation in the minor is not a 'Golden Ticket' to register in any class you need any quarter you want it! You must be flexible and proactive.  Monitor your email and respond quickly when we send you enrollment questions (Watch for 'Bioinfomrmatics Minor' in the subject line). We do our best to help you get the classes you need but we can't guarantee you a spot

  3. How do I declare the Minor? (and what does that really mean?) 

    Once you have taken one BIO class and one CSC class with a C or better in both, you can use this form to declare the minor. When you declare it just tells the university that you intend to take all the necessary classes to earn the minor. The university will add the minor to your Academic Plan and, if you complete all the coursework, you will receive the minor on your degree. If you declare the minor and then do not complete the coursework, there is no penalty (but, of course, the minor is not listed on your degree).

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